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Why India must maintain the authenticity of its medical sciences

The strength of Ayurveda lies in its ability to customize preventative, naturally aided, holistic wellness methods to the unique constitution of every individual, based on their energy type. This has proven extremely impactful in the treatment of chronic ailments.

Why India must maintain the authenticity of its medical sciences

 by Prof. Dr Srivats Bharadwaj
Special Needs , Pediatric and Preventive Dentist
Founder Chairman & CEO Vatsalya Dental, B'lore

Medical science in India has a long and rich history. We are the land of Ayurveda or the ‘Science of Life’, the ancient Indian system of natural, personalized and holistic medicine. We are home to two of the most famous medical treatises ever written. Both the Charaka-samhita by the physician Charaka, and Sushruta-samhita, authored by the father of (plastic) surgery, Sushruta, dating back to 800 BCE to 1000 CE, have their origin in Ayurveda. The 3,000-year-old science has gained immense popularity worldwide for its holistic approach to health and well-being. It also offers one of the world’s most comprehensive, non-invasive detoxing protocols called panchakarma which removes accumulated toxins in the body, helping the individual regain his/her natural constitutional balance.

On the other hand, modern medicine - still a nascent science in the country, has contributed immensely to patient care and public health. The country’s average life expectancy, infant mortality rate (IMR), and maternal mortality rate (MMR) have all improved significantly. We have stemmed the rampant growth of TB, Hepatitis, HIV, and other deadly diseases, while providing timely intervention care in curing others such as Cancer. India’s Universal Immunization Programme is renowned as one of the largest public health interventions in the world, successfully bringing under control many communicable diseases including small-pox and polio. The modern medical fraternity in India has consistently raised the bar on research and innovation, aided by technological advancements in the last two decades. Consider a few of these examples. Geneticist Arun Kumar and psychiatrist Satish Girimaji of NIMHANS in Bangalore worked together to find a key 5th gene (STIL) that causes microcephaly-a disorder marked by smaller-than-normal brain size and mental retardation. TruNat Rif is a groundbreaking technology developed by Indian researchers that aids the diagnosis of Tuberculosis by testing the sputum of the patient. In a combined project by the St.John’s Medical College in Bangalore and the Mc Master University of Canada, researchers were able to develop a polypill that can treat multiple heart problems.

Fostering parallel streams of medicine to be the next medical superpower
Multi-specialty hospitals across the country are offering the very best in diagnosis, advanced intervention facilities and care options. With our skilled doctor base and low-cost treatment availability, India is fast emerging as a global health and wellness tourism destination, accounting for nearly 18% of the global medical tourism market. India’s healthcare industry is projected to grow into a USD 9 billion market over the course of the next year. In recent decades, the growing popularity of Ayurveda has provided an impetus to the wellness tourism sector in India, attracting a large global population. Ayurveda is projected to be a Rs 30,000 crore industry in India. In fact, earlier this month, the WHO announced that it will set up a Global Centre for Traditional Medicine in India. Clearly, the world is turning to us to provide a ratified, scientific, holistic stream of healthcare with Ayurveda.

Why then has the government passed up on this unique advantage by authorizing the integration of post-graduate Ayurveda practitioners into mainstream surgical practice? This move poses many unanswered questions and unforeseen threats to both streams of medicine. Let’s begin with the obvious. What equipment, technology and infrastructure will they use? Most Ayurvedic hospitals do not have the infrastructure to support complex surgical procedures. Will Ayurvedic surgeons administer allopathic anesthesia to perform surgeries? What medicines will they administer to aid pre- and post- operative care? Most Allopathic medicines are chemicals or organic compounds produced in the laboratory and some are biologically engineered to help cure and prevent diseases and provide symptomatic relief – going against the very essence of Ayurveda. What infection control measures and surgical approaches will they practice? If Ayurvedic surgeons are to adopt the Allopathic approach, why study Ayurveda at all? I will go so far as state the unspoken fear in many of our minds: If Ayurvedic surgeons are not extensively and adequately trained in modern surgery, it will greatly impact treatment outcomes and endanger patient lives, bringing disrepute to not only Ayurveda but even modern medicine.

The foundational principles of diagnosis, treatment planning and execution in Ayurveda are diametrically different from that of modern medicine. The strength of Ayurveda lies in its ability to customize preventative, naturally aided, holistic wellness methods to the unique constitution of every individual, based on their energy type. This has proven extremely impactful in the treatment of chronic ailments. Modern medicine, on the other hand, has provided great relief in acute, immediate care. Ayurvedic experts and post-graduate students can and must perform surgeries, considering the very origin of surgical procedures can be traced back to Ayurveda. But the approach must include rigorous exposure to surgical procedures based purely on ayurvedic principles and philosophies. Towards this goal, the government must further research in Ayurveda across physiology, pathology, pharmacology and pharmaceuticals and elevate its status further to an evidence backed science, encouraging empirical validation of Ayurvedic concepts. There is also a need to validate and regularize drug identification and manufacturing, and improve and strengthen quality control standards to award Ayurveda the status of a fully credible, autonomous field of medicine that can exist in parallel to modern medical science.

Let the power of choice rest with the patient
While the recent government directive might be well-intended, it is more of a knee-jerk approach and begs for a different perspective. Both Ayurveda and Allopathy have their unique strengths and advantages. The proposed move will greatly dilute the foundational essence and true curative capabilities both streams of medicine can offer to mankind. In fact, it may completely erode the significance of Ayurvedic philosophy in the long run while also undermining the effort of Allopathic students and professionals in advancing patient care. Not to speak of the economic consequences on healthcare and tourism. The need of the hour is to invest deeper and faster into research and development, technology, and facilities in both streams of medicine. To foster greater rigor, scientific breakthroughs, and healthy competition in both, backed by exposure to patient care, clinical trials and public health outreach programs. To encourage independent progress and retain the authenticity of both approaches to medical care, while facilitating sharing of knowledge, empirical evidence, diagnostic learnings, research information and even infrastructure facilities between the two streams for mutual growth and advancement. Towards this end, the authorities can consider introducing super specialization programs that will certify medical professionals to offer an integrated, holistic approach to healthcare.

India has the ubiquitous distinction of nurturing and furthering two parallel, extremely rich, expansive, and highly evolved streams of medicine. We have the knowledge, expertise and the know-how to offer our patients the choice of treatment between two equally competitive sciences. It is upon us – the authorities and the medical fraternity, to craft our policies well and preserve the uniqueness, merit and authenticity of approach that both Allopathy and Ayurveda have to offer in furthering the ultimate goal of medicine – to improve treatment outcomes, patient care and well-being and put an end to illness and suffering.

(DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and does not necessarily subscribe to it. shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organisation directly or indirectly.)


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