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Opinion | How Covid-19 has forced a digital pivot in India's diagnostic sector

Telemedicine service providers have seen a spike in consultation requests. (Photo: iStock)

The uses of technology in healthcare are seemingly endless. To improve efficiency throughout the industry and make patient experience as painless as possible, wider adoption of emerging technology in healthcare is a must

In thesetimes of pandemic accompanied by fear and uncertainty, technology has been a boon. More so for people like Tara who used to take a day off from her work to visit the doctor for health check-ups, another day off to have her tests done, which was again followed by a day's leave to follow-up on her test results. This used to cost her and many like her multiple leaves and other related problems.

Coronavirus may have brought the world to its knees, but since every crisis brings with itself opportunities so has the pandemic, heralding faster adoption of technology across the spectrum and also healthcare.

With seamless integration of digitisation and healthcare, the Taras of the world can tele- and video-consultation with doctors. Based on the prescription, tests can be ordered on smartphones which are then scheduled at the customer's convenience, sample collected and the report made available on the same smartphone or any other device.

Digital innovation continues to have a profound impact on our ability to respond to this global crisis.

This era of digital technology offers an opportunity to improve healthcare for patients while helping doctors to be more efficient. Technology has evolved over the decades from introducing doctors to new equipment to connecting patients and caregivers thousands of miles away. This is only possible due to a host of specialised software applications which give instant access to healthcare analytical information, patient health history, research information and more. And, since providers can easily carry these mobile devices around throughout the work day, the information they need is always just a touch or swipe away.

Physicians and patients are both witness to the benefits of new technology, with the increased use of electronic health record systems. Artificial intelligence in healthcare is helping administrative teams streamline patients’ workflow. It satisfies the ‘on-demand’ need of patients at their convenience.

Video conferencing with physicians saves time and the money normally spent on travelling. In the past, most people were satisfied with undertaking a physical once a year, but thanks to digitisation, people can focus more prevention and maintenance.

Despite shortcomings, India's healthcare sector has a lot going for it on several fronts, the game changer being the evolving technology. Healthcare providers are relying ever more on emerging technology today. The care is shifting from the hospital to the clinic, from the clinic to home and from home to a 24/7 ubiquitous access to care, driven by the smartphones, with speed and accuracy.

The uses of technology in healthcare are seemingly endless. To improve efficiency throughout the industry and make patient experience as painless as possible, wider adoption of emerging technology in healthcare is a must.

Essentially, the journey from the technician collecting sample from patient’s house, to real time digital tracking of the physical sample can be brought through IT enabled systems. This is well adopted by Thyrocare, where the sample movement can be traced in real time via bar-coded vials, right from the sample collection to report generation, all available on patient’s smartphone.

While most of this technology had existed earlier as well, covid-19 has made this the new normal.


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